Selasa, 24 September 2024

GEN - Z & Alpha : A Guide For Navigating Modern Culture

WARNING : The opening passage below uses Gen Z and Gen Alpha Slangs

When Australian Senator Fatima Payman’s speech went viral, it totally caught my attention. As a dad to Gen Z and Alpha kids, I’d sometimes overhear them using slang that left me shook. Low-key, it felt like I was missing out on their vibe. That’s when I decided to dive deep and do some homework. I started reading up, watching videos, and researching all these trending phrases and modern culture shifts.

Youtube link to Senator Fatima Payman Speech ;

With all that info—and my desire to make sure my kids navigate this culture without getting caught up in its more sus aspects—I started writing. What started as notes soon became a full-on book. And now? It’s published, fam! You can cop it for the low on Amazon and Lulu. I wanted it to be super accessible so that anyone, especially other parents, can get the tea on what their kids are saying and how they’re moving through today’s world. Skibidi!

Book Description ;

Gen Z & Alpha: Navigating Modern Culture is an insightful guide that takes a deep dive into the unique and defining characteristics of two of the most influential generations of our time. Born into a world rapidly evolving through technology, these generations have been shaped by the digital revolution, social media, and shifting cultural landscapes. This book explores when they were born, the key historical moments that have shaped their worldviews, and how these factors influence their communication styles, life choices, and interactions with society.

The book also delves into the way these generations engage with technology. From smartphones to social media platforms, Gen Z and Alpha have redefined how people connect and communicate. Whether it’s through TikTok, Instagram, or new emerging technologies, their relationship with gadgets and the digital world plays a central role in their daily lives.

A significant feature of this guide is a comprehensive list of the slang, phrases, and expressions commonly used by Gen Z and Alpha, offering insights into the language that defines their conversations. It breaks down popular terms, helping readers from older generations bridge the communication gap and better understand the young people they interact with.

The book stresses the importance of collaboration between older and younger generations. It highlights how older generations can play a vital role in guiding these youth away from negativity, helping them navigate potential pitfalls like social media pressures, misinformation, and online toxicity.

The final chapter brings a fresh perspective by discussing how Islamic values can offer positive guidance for these young generations, offering principles that foster mindfulness, ethics, and personal growth.

To enhance the reader’s experience, the book also includes some illustrations in manga and anime-style artwork, providing a visually compelling journey that complements its engaging content.

Amazon link ;

Lulu link ;

Ahad, 18 Ogos 2024

Survival Manual : Preparing For A Nuclear Crisis

This is my 3rd written work. The 3rd book I published on Lulu and Amazon. Too lengthy to be a blog post, so I decided to publish it as a book. It is a 115 pages manual. Not too technical but more to a clear, easy to understand set of guideline for all level of readers.

If a nuclear crisis or war is expected, you're gonna need this book. Check out the book description as on the cover below ;

Book description ;

" This book is crafted with the intention of imparting essential knowledge to all segments of society on how to prepare for and respond to a nuclear conflict or war. Rather than delving into overly technical details, the focus is on providing a practical and accessible guide.

The journey begins with an introduction to the concept of nuclear conflict—what it is, how it can be triggered, and the profound effects it can have on human life. As the book progresses, special emphasis is placed on preparation, including guidance on constructing shelters, storing food and vital supplies, and maintaining communication capabilities in the event of such a crisis. The book also provides step-by-step recommendations for actions to be taken as the conflict unfolds, from its initial outbreak to the post-war aftermath. Each topic is accompanied by references for further reading, allowing readers to deepen their understanding.

The book also explores, in a speculative manner, the worst-case scenario of a nuclear war leading to a nuclear winter, discussing the potential for survival in such dire circumstances. Additionally, it offers a comprehensive list of support agencies and related entities worldwide that can provide assistance during a nuclear crisis.

In the final chapter, the experiences and testimonials of three individuals who have personally endured nuclear disasters are shared—ranging from the bombing of Hiroshima during World War II to the catastrophic incidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima. These personal accounts offer valuable insights and lessons. This book concludes with a comprehensive emergency contact list, where readers can fill in the provided blank spaces for quick reference when needed. "

Currently this book have been published on and, check out below links ;

My first book ;

Rabu, 5 Jun 2024

DIY Temperature & Humidity Meter with Custom Text Display for my car

Well ..... was thinking to add this as a new instrument for my car. But now I'm working on to improve further. I will be adding a gas sensor to detect CO2 level in ppm. For display, I will use a bigger Colour TFT. But I will share this simple one for now ........


This is a simple project to explore some methods to generate display on OLED. 

    OLED, which stands for Organic Light-Emitting Diode, is a display technology that utilizes organic compounds to emit light when an electric current is applied. This technology consists of thin layers of organic materials positioned between two electrodes, typically a cathode and an anode. The key component is the emissive electroluminescent layer, which is responsible for emitting light in response to the electric current. When electricity passes through this layer, it excites the organic molecules, causing them to emit light. 

            For this project, two type of displays will be projected on to the OLED ;

1. Temperature and Humidity reading from DHT11 sensor and

2. Customs scrolling text display ( contents of the text can be edited )

Video of the display on OLED

List of components ;

1. Arduno UNO 

2. DHT11 sensor

3. OLED 128 x 64

4. Jumper wires

Circuit Diagram ;

And below is the coding. Copy and paste to Aduino IDE, ensure to get the needed libraries, modify text display as you wish and  compile & upload.

//Temp & Humid Meter With Custom Text Display on OLED

//By Rosedi 20May2024


#include <Wire.h>

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>

#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>

#include <DHT.h>


// Define the OLED reset pin

#define OLED_RESET    -1

Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, OLED_RESET);


// DHT11 sensor settings

#define DHTPIN 2     // Digital pin connected to the DHT sensor

#define DHTTYPE DHT11   // DHT 11




// Define the scrolling text

const char *scrollText = "ALLAHUMMA SOLLI ALA MUHAMMAD ";

int textX = 128; // Start the text off-screen to the right

int textY = 56; // Vertically position the text at the bottom


void setup() {

  // Initialize Serial for debugging



  // Initialize the DHT sensor



  // Initialize the OLED display

  if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { // 0x3C is the I2C address for the SSD1306

    Serial.println(F("SSD1306 allocation failed"));

    for (;;); // Loop forever if OLED initialization fails



  // Clear the buffer



  // Display initial text

  display.setTextSize(1);      // Set text size

  display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); // Set text color

  display.setCursor(16, 0);     // Set cursor position

  display.print(F("ASSALAMMUALAIKUM                               ROSEDI"));

  display.display();           // Display the text

  delay(5000);                 // Pause for 5 seconds


  // Display initial text

  display.setTextSize(1);      // Set text size

  display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); // Set text color

  display.setCursor(0, 35);     // Set cursor position

  display.print(F(" FASTEN YOUR SEATBELT"));

  display.display();           // Display the text

  delay(5000);                 // Pause for 5 seconds


  // Display initial text

  display.setTextSize(1);      // Set text size

  display.setTextColor(SSD1306_WHITE); // Set text color

  display.setCursor(0, 52);     // Set cursor position

  display.print(F("     SAFE JOURNEY"));

  display.display();           // Display the text

  delay(5000);                 // Pause for 5 seconds



// Function to display scrolling text

void displayScrollingText() {




  display.setCursor(textX, textY);




  // Move the text to the left


  if (textX < -((int)strlen(scrollText) * 6)) {

    textX = 88; // Reset text position to start again




void loop() {

  // Read temperature and humidity from DHT11 sensor

  float humidity = dht.readHumidity();

  float temperature = dht.readTemperature();


  // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).

  if (isnan(humidity) || isnan(temperature)) {

    Serial.println(F("Failed to read from DHT sensor!"));




  // Print the values to the Serial Monitor (for debugging)

  Serial.print(F("Humidity: "));


  Serial.print(F("%  Temperature: "));


  Serial.println(F("°C "));


  // Clear the display buffer



  // Display temperature




  display.print(F("T: "));


  display.print(F(" C"));


  // Display humidity


  display.print(F("H: "));


  display.print(F(" %"));


  // Update the display with the new data



  // Display scrolling text



  // Wait a few seconds between measurements



Actually if you look into the program, there are a litte extra functions compare to the one shown in the video. The display will come in three parts, greetings, sensor values and scrolling text. Just try it out.

Happy exploring !

To purchase the parts for this project, click on below links ;

Arduino UNO R3 (Original Italy)

DHT11 Sensor

OLED 128 X 64 I2C

GEN - Z & Alpha : A Guide For Navigating Modern Culture

WARNING : The opening passage below uses Gen Z and Gen Alpha Slangs When Australian Senator Fatima Payman’s speech went viral, it totally ca...